Younker Hyde Macfarlane, PLLC

Appendicitis and Medical Malpractice

Jan 1, 2013 @ 04:00 AM — by
Tagged with: Medical Malpractice Personal Injury Wrongful Death

Cases that arise from a physician’s failure to diagnose a condition correctly or in a timely fashion are always frustrating, but especially so when they involve a condition that is as common and generally easy to treat as appendicitis. Appendicitis is marked by the inflammation of the appendix, which causes abdominal pain similar to bad cramping. If caught before the appendix bursts, a simple appendectomy - the surgical removal of the appendix - almost always resolves the condition. Even if the patient fails to seek medical help before the appendix bursts, timely treatment can prevent more serious consequences from occurring.

Doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel are trained to respond properly to medical emergencies such as appendicitis. When these professionals fail to provide treatment in accordance with a reasonable standard, they can be held liable for any injuries or deaths that results. Our Ogden medical malpractice attorneys have extensive experience and a history of success in handling negligence claims resulting from the failure to diagnose or provide timely and appropriate treatment for appendicitis. If you or a member of your family has been harmed by the negligence of a physician, surgeon, nurse, anesthesiologist, or other healthcare provider, the law firm of Younker Hyde Macfarlane, PLLC can help.

Timing Is of the Essence

Appendicitis is one of the most common emergencies involving abdominal pain in the United States. Its symptoms are widely recognized among medical professionals, who are trained to act immediately when they present themselves in patients. The tests for diagnosing appendicitis are not perfect; however, it is generally advised to err on the side of caution and perform appendectomy if there is even a reasonable likelihood of the condition. In the vast majority of cases, there is no harm in removing the appendix even if it is not inflamed, and the surgeon can then further explore the cause of the symptoms.

When a patient is misdiagnosed, however, and appendicitis is falsely ruled out as the source of symptoms, there is an increased risk of serious damage or even death. A burst appendix can result in serious abdominal infection, which can spread quickly and put the patient’s life in jeopardy.

More commonly, appendicitis is diagnosed, and the appendix is removed; however, the proper treatment is not administered in conjunction with the surgery. For example, many patients form abscesses as a result of a burst appendix, and if these abscesses are not treated, infection can run rampant. In some cases, infection is already present at the time of the surgery, suggesting that antibiotics are necessary. If these antibiotics are not prescribed, once again, infection can spread. At our law firm in Ogden, appendicitis cases are built on expert testimony and compelling evidence.

In most appendicitis related cases handled by our attorneys in Ogden, medical negligence settlements can be reached before a case proceeds to trial. That said, we have a tremendous record of success in jury trials when push comes to shove.

Contact Our Medical Malpractice Attorneys Today

If you or someone you love has suffered due to the failure to diagnose or provide timely treatment for appendicitis, contact our medical malpractice attorneys in Ogden today.