Younker Hyde Macfarlane, PLLC

Lawsuits for Paralysis Caused by Medical Mistakes

May 24, 2013 @ 07:51 AM — by
Tagged with: Medical Malpractice Surgical Mistakes Birth Injury

Mobility is something that no one should take for granted. Being able to walk, to use your hands normally, and to experience a high quality of life is important. This is why any impairment of the limbs or motor functions that occur as a result of medical mistakes needs to be taken very seriously. Our Salt Lake City medical malpractice attorneys will fight on your behalf to ensure that you receive just compensation to any adverse changes to the quality of your life.

Our legal team would like to take this moment to go over some of the different kinds of paralysis that people may experience and show why these sorts of doctor errors need to be taken extremely seriously.

Types of Paralysis

There are many different kinds of paralysis that people may experience. Two common types of paralysis that you have likely heard of are paraplegia and quadriplegia.

There are many other kinds of paralysis that people can experience, such as facial paralysis, different forms of palsy, vocal cord paralysis, and partial or temporary paralysis of different body parts. No matter what you are dealing with, our Salt Lake City medical malpractice lawyers will be able to help you seek justice against the responsible surgeon or medical professional.

How Paralysis Affects Lives

In the case of paraplegia and quadriplegia, people's lives can be drastically altered. The inability to use a limb or all limbs leads to many changes in mobility as well as the inability to perform basic tasks that many of us take for granted, such as buttoning shirts, tying shoes, and cooking or preparing food.

For cases of paralysis not related to the limbs, similar problems can occur. Facial paralysis can negatively impact your appearance and ability to speak, and vocal cord paralysis can rob you of your voice entirely.

How Medical Professionals Can Cause/Contribute to Paralysis

There are numerous medical mistakes and surgeon errors that can cause different kinds of paralysis. Surgical/medical damage to the spinal cord or neck can result in various kinds of partial or total paralysis. The same goes for nerve damage during surgery in different kinds of procedures as well as injuries sustained during birth. Whatever the case and no matter the cause, medical professionals need to be held accountable for these mistakes.

What Our Attorneys Can Do for You

Our team of medical negligence lawyers and Salt Lake City brain injury attorneys are here for you every step of the way. We will fight diligently on your behalf and the behalf of your loved ones to make sure that you receive just compensation for any medical injuries sustained. The responsible party will be held accountable.

Get the Legal Help That You Need

No doctor errors should be taken lightly since they literally are matters of life and death. If you would like to learn more about all of your legal options in negligence cases, be sure to contact our Salt Lake City medical malpractice attorneys today. We look forward to meeting you in person and helping you make sound decisions that lead to legal compensation.