Younker Hyde Macfarlane, PLLC

Why the Failure to Diagnose or Treat Stroke is Serious

Jun 15, 2013 @ 07:38 AM — by
Tagged with: Misdiagnosis Failure To Diagnose Medical Mistake

It's always important that medical professional catch major health problems as they occur. By doing so, they will be able to administer the right treatment when it is needed most and prevent life-changing injuries. Sadly, this does not always happen. Patients may experience a serious health problem and their doctors will miss sure signs that they should not. This is where our medical malpractice attorneys come into the picture. Our team will hold these negligent doctors accountable.

Proper diagnosis and treatment of strokes is especially important given the way that a stroke can alter the course of your life. Let's take a moment right now to explore this matter.

What is a stroke?

A stroke refers to a disturbance in the normal blood supply to the brain causing a rapid loss of brain function. This change in the blood supply could be the result of a blood clot/blockage or a hemorrhage.

Signs of Strokes

Some of the most common signs of a stroke include:

Because many of these signs are rather obvious, especially when they appear in combination with one another, the failure to diagnose a stroke is an inexcusable act of malpractice.

Risk Factors for Strokes

Strokes are more likely to occur in people who exhibit the following:

Why Strokes Should Be Diagnosed Properly

Strokes need to be diagnosed properly in order to examine the patient's brain and administer the necessary care as soon as possible. There could be lasting damage to the brain that can lead to major changes in overall quality of life.

Should a doctor not diagnose the stroke properly, the lack of proper care could results in a worsening of the damage to the brain and numerous irreversible problems with motor skills and cognition. Our Salt Lake City medical malpractice lawyers feel that these matters cannot be ignored.

What Our Legal Team Can Do for Clients

When it comes to seeking damages for medical mistakes and doctor errors, we always make sure that our client's peace of mind comes first. We will fight diligently to ensure that the responsible party is held accountable for such acts of negligence. We will seek damages in order to compensate victims for pain and suffering, additional medical expenses, and the loss of well-being. This last point is especially important since a stroke can greatly alter the course of a person's life.

If you lose a loved one as a result of a stroke misdiagnosis, we will fight diligently for you to ensure that you receive compensation for the pain and suffering of the loss. This cannot possibly replace a loved one, but it is often a crucial first step in achieving peace of mind.

Learn More About Medical Malpractice Lawsuits

If you or someone that you care about has been the victim of a medical error, it's imperative that you contact our Utah medical malpractice law firm today. The entire team here looks forward to meeting you in person and helping you achieve just compensation.