Younker Hyde Macfarlane, PLLC

The Statute of Limitations in the State of Utah

Aug 24, 2013 @ 06:07 PM — by
Tagged with: Medical Malpractice Personal Injury Statute Of Limitations

Our medical malpractice attorneys have helped clients receive damages and achieve justice following serious injury. In order for our team to provide the best counsel and legal guidance, however, lawsuits must be filed in a timely manner so that they are within the statute of limitations. There are plenty of misunderstandings when it comes to the statute of limitations, and we'd like to address these issues in brief right now.

What is a statute of limitations?

The statute of limitations refers to a period of time in which a person can file a lawsuit. A lawsuit cannot be filed once the statute of limitations has passed.

Why does a statute of limitations exist?

While it may seem like a detriment to the legal system, the statute of limitations is in place in order to ensure fairness in the court of law. Statutes of limitations will make sure that:

We encourage you to speak with our personal injury lawyers if you have any questions regarding a potential lawsuit. Doing this sooner rather than later can help ensure the best legal results on your behalf.

Statute of Limitations for Civil Cases

The following statutes of limitations apply for civil cases:

Be sure to speak with our personal injury and auto accident attorneys as soon as you are able to get the legal help that you need.

Statute of Limitations for Criminal Cases

The following statutes of limitations apply for criminal offenses:

Note that there are criminal actions with multiple timeframes. These are based on the circumstances of your case.

Take Action So That We Can Work for You

Even though you may have a few years to initiate litigation, it is of the utmost importance that you seek legal action as soon as possible. By doing this, you can hold those responsible for their actions and achieve peace of mind. Our legal team will fight diligently on your behalf.

Learn More About Your Legal Rights

For more information on all of your legal rights and how we can help you in court, be sure to contact our Salt Lake City medical negligence attorneys today. The entire team looks forward to meeting you in person and helping you achieve justice.