Younker Hyde Macfarlane, PLLC

What If an Accident Occurs in a Parking Lot?

Mar 3, 2015 @ 10:41 AM — by
Tagged with: Auto Accidents Personal Injury Wrongful Death

In most auto accidents, fault can be established fairly easily. Right-of-way is one of the first lessons taught while learning to drive, and drivers involved in accidents can usually identify who had the right-of-way - even if they don’t want to admit it. When it comes to parking lots, however, right-of-way can become a bit ambiguous. Navigating parking lots and parking spaces is often a matter of simply being aware of your surroundings and being courteous to nearby drivers. But even in the absence of signs and dividing lines, a few basic rules can still be applied to determine fault.

Rather than engaging in a long and inconclusive battle with the opposing driver, let the facts speak for themselves. If you have been involved in a parking lot accident, seek the advice of an expert personal injury attorney; our Utah law firm is eager to help you prove your case.  

Legal Fault in Parking Lots

The common elements that direct traffic on public roads are often absent from parking lots, making right-of-way difficult to determine. Unless a lot has dividing lines, arrows, stop signs, and/or yield signs to establish traffic flow, most drivers will simply follow their gut. And since most parking lots are privately owned, they may not even be subject to certain traffic laws that normally apply to public roads.

This can lead to vehicles driving in a relatively chaotic manner, and fault can be difficult to determine in subsequent accidents.

Of course, this does not mean that every parking lot is a free-for-all wherein drivers are blameless for their actions. For instance, vehicles backing out from a space must exhibit reasonable caution for any vehicles that may be approaching from their sides or behind. Similarly, all vehicles should be wary of pedestrians attempting to cross the parking lot. Many accidents, though, must be examined relative to the lot in which they took place.

Common Parking Lot Accidents

Here are a few examples of accidents that may occur in a parking lot, and who is most likely at fault in each scenario:

What to Do after an Accident

Parking lot accidents can easily lead to arguments, which in turn discourage people from thinking clearly and calmly. Nevertheless, drivers should follow a few basic steps if they are to increase their chances of being compensated for damages:

In the event anyone has sustained injuries in the accident, always call for medical help first. If you are unable to personally take the above actions due to injury, one of our attorneys will be happy to represent you and gather evidence at the site of the accident, as soon as possible.

Contact Us Today

After an accident, few things are more important than timeliness. The sooner we can obtain records of your injuries and property damage, speak with witnesses, and collect all relevant evidence, the better we can represent you. Contact us with any questions or concerns immediately following your accident, and we can begin working for you immediately.