Younker Hyde Macfarlane, PLLC

Spinal Cord Injury After a Car Accident

Aug 31, 2020 @ 10:59 PM — by
Tagged with: Spinal Cord Injury Personal Injury Attorney

Car accidents are a leading cause of personal injury in this country. Even minor car accidents can result in injuries to the muscles, tissues, nerves, or bones. One of the most catastrophic types of car accident injuries is a spinal cord injury.

Spinal cord injuries can result in pain, physical limitations, and even partial or complete paralysis. In addition to the physical damages of a spinal cord injury, victims are likely to suffer substantial financial losses. Injury attorneys at Younker Hyde Macfarlane, PLLC in Salt Lake City, UT can help individuals who experience spinal cord injury after a car accident collect compensation for resulting damages.

Types of Spinal Cord Injuries

The kind of damage caused by a spinal cord injury can vary based on the severity and the location of the injury. Spinal cord injuries can result in a wide range of symptoms, depending on which part of the spinal cord is damaged:

When the spinal cord is damaged, any area at or below the point of injury may be affected. Although injury results vary widely, spinal cord injuries are generally classified into one of two categories: incomplete or complete.

Incomplete spinal cord injuries are more common than complete spinal cord injuries. Incomplete spinal cord injuries only partially damage the spinal cord. Movements or sensations may be affected by an incomplete spinal cord injury, but the damage should only result in temporary limitations. 

If our Salt Lake City clients experience complete spinal cord injury, any damages will be permanent. Complete spinal cord injuries typically result in paralysis at and below the point of injury.

Injury Damages

Spinal cord injuries are unique from many other types of injuries because they can significantly impact a person’s quality of life. This is especially the case with complete spinal cord injuries, which result in lifelong challenges and limitations. If a spinal cord injury is the result of a car accident that was caused by another person or party, they should be held liable for all accident and injury damages.

When our attorneys are considering the type of compensation that our Salt Lake City clients may be due, we consider both financial and non-financial damages. Common areas of loss for individuals who suffer a spinal cord injury after a car accident include:

Calculating Long-term Losses

Since many spinal cord injuries result in permanent damages, we need to be able to calculate the future losses our clients may endure due to their injury. To accurately calculate the damage of future medical costs, future care costs, and ongoing pain and suffering, our attorneys work with medical experts and economists who can predict the financial and non-financial impact that a spinal cord injury may have on our clients long-term.

Contact Younker Hyde Macfarlane, PLLC

If you’ve been involved in a car accident that has left you dealing with a spinal cord injury, you may be due financial compensation for your losses. To discuss your accident with the personal injury attorneys at Younker Hyde Macfarlane, PLLC, call (801) 335-7025 or send us a message to schedule a free legal consultation.