Medical Negligence and Surgical Facilities
At Younker Hyde Macfarlane, PLLC, we help victims of medical malpractice and surgical errors throughout the state of Utah. These injury victims need strong legal representation to take on the legal machines that medical facilities have in place, and our team of lawyers will not be intimidated. Such assistance is especially key when taking on surgical facilities, because these surgical centers may cause far greater harm than good due to poor practices and human error.
Errors Made During a Surgical Procedure
When errors are made in an actual surgical procedure, injuries to the patient can be quite severe. Internal bleeding, damage to internal organs, and other kinds of problems may be the result. Surgeons are expected to work carefully to avoid mistakes, and any errors on their part need to be brought to the attention of skilled attorneys.
Leaving Surgical Instruments Inside the Patient
A type of surgical mistake that can be quite dangerous is leaving surgical instruments inside of the patient. In a number of cases, the surgical instruments left inside patients have been sponges and small clamps, though other kinds of surgical instruments can lead to major punctures and injuries to internal organs as well as joint, muscle, and bone structures.
Mixing Patient Records and Causing Errors
In some surgical facilities, there have been errors with medical records that have resulted in surgery mistakes. Sometimes the wrong medical records are given to patients, meaning that patients may undergo unnecessary surgeries or they may have the wrong organ operated on. These kinds of mix-ups are unacceptable.
Problems with Anesthetic
Using too much anesthetic or too little anesthetic can lead to major problems during surgery. Proper dosage needs to be taken into account at all times in order to ensure the patient is not placed under any sort of undue pain during surgery or experience any complications as a result of the procedure.
Issues with Cleanliness and Sterilization
While modern sterilization and cleanliness standards have prevented infection and other kinds of serious complications, there are surgical facilities that still are not up to current standards. These potentially unsanitary conditions increase the risk of infection and other serious complications. Surgical instruments, rooms, and linens need to be cleaned thoroughly, and any biohazardous waste should be disposed of properly.
How Our Attorneys Will Help You with Your Case
If you or someone that you care about has been harmed as a result to errors on the part of a surgical facility or medical professional, our attorneys will make sure that the negligent party or entity is brought to task. We will seek just compensation to cover the hardships that you have had to endure, covering the additional costs of medical care required to address the surgical error or post-surgical complication. We will also seek to reform the medical facility in some way so that future problems such as these do not occur in the future.
Speak with Our Medical Malpractice Lawyers About Your Case
For more information about your legal options following a serious injury at a medical error or surgery mistake, it's important that you contact our team of medical malpractice lawyers today. We at Younker Hyde Macfarlane, PLLC will fight diligently for all injury victims following a surgical error or any negligence demonstrated by medical professionals.