Dangerous Product Design Flaws Can Lead to Serious Injuries
The lawyers of Younker Hyde Macfarlane, PLLC have helped countless people in the greater Salt Lake City area who have been injured as a result of negligence. Our powerhouse law firm has a storied history in the area, and our reputation for excellent service and dedication to our clients is well-earned.
When it comes to product liability lawsuits involving harmful or defective goods, having a skille attorney on your side is crucial for good legal outcomes. With that in mind, let's consider the dangers of poor product design and what legal options you have.
Product Liability Lawsuits Explained
A product liability lawsuit is filed against a company that designs, markets, manufactures, and/or distributes a product that is dangerous to consumers can causes an injury. When a product that is used as directed leads to serious harm, it's important that the company who made the product be held accountable. This ensures that unsafe products do not remain on the market, negligent companies are punished for causing injuries, and that overall safety/quality standards can improve and continue to protect consumers.
Problems at the Product Design Level
Sometimes a product is dangerous from the very start. This is because of issues with design that are innately dangerous. When a product is poorly designed in such a way that it is innately dangerous, the company responsible needs to be held accountable following any injuries that have occurred.
Examples of Dangerous Design Flaws
There are many kinds of design defects that may occur.
One example of a design defect involves poor weight distribution in vehicles. Take a sports utility vehicle (SUV) for example. The higher center of gravity makes SUVs more likely to rollover during an accident. If it can be shown that vehicle design could have been made safer to avoid serious injury, the make of the SUV may be held accountable for their design. The same would apply to design flaws in steering, safety restraints, and brake systems that would make injuries worse and and accidents more likely.
Another example of serious design flaws involves children's toys, especially for babies and toddlers. Any toys with sharp edges or small parts can lead to cuts or even choking. Product makers need to be responsible in their design choices, and especially consider the age of those playing with the toy as part of the design process.
Inherent Danger Outside of Manufacturing and Distribution
When looking at the issue of design defects, it's important to consider the inherent danger of the product. This means that any dangers posed to the product are not the result of a manufacturing flaw (e.g., damage done during fabrication) or distribution (e.g., damage done with product en route to seller). This is an important consideration to keep in mind in all product liability cases, and it may affect the approach to the case.
How a Product Liability Lawyer Can Help You
The product liability process can be quite involved, and it requires a skilled legal mind to navigate the many complexities of the legal system. By working with a skilled attorney on your product liability case, you will have a strong advocate working for you who will fight diligently for your rights every step of the way. While your lawyer handles the filings and legal minutiae of the product liability case, you and your loved ones can focus on healing, recovery, and the future.
Speak with the Attorneys of Younker Hyde Macfarlane, PLLC
If you or someone you love has been seriously injured as a result of a defective product, it's imperative that you contact our personal injury law firm today. The lawyers of Younker Hyde Macfarlane, PLLC will help you make smart choices in your time of legal need.